Gun Gallery is a firearms retailer located in Glendale, CA. We specialize in sales for both Law Enforcement and for civilians. We possess years of industry experience and have a reputation of both a deal maker and an innovation leader. Gun Gallery’s selection consists of the industry’s most premier manufacturers.
From Handguns, sporting and hunting rifles, shotguns, scopes, and accessories.
Law Enforcement? No problem. Tactical Civilian? No problem! Glendale Gun Gallery is a federally licensed retailer and is in full compliance with all local, state, and federal laws/regulations.
Before you consider purchasing any firearm, be sure that you are in full compliance with all federal, state, and local laws governing the purchase, ownership, and use of firearms.
We deal in gun sales, including buying and selling of used guns. We also buy and transfer police cases guns. You’ll be pleased to know that we have a gunsmith on site.

Gun Gallery is a firearms retailer located in Glendale, CA. We specialize in sales for both law enforcement and civilians.
Our firearm selection consists of the industry’s most premier manufacturers.

Law Enforcement
Gun Gallery specializes in sales for law enforcement and other first responders.
We sell FN direct, Staccato and we are a Glock Blue Label program dealer.

Professional Firearms Sales & Service
We possess years of industry experience and have a reputation of both a deal maker and an innovation leader.